Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Now lookie what my parents got me for Christmas.

Remember when I said I wanted to buy myself Taylor Swift's Red album? No? Okay. Anyway, it turns out that I don't have to spend my own money for it anymore. My parents surprised me with this, this super duper amazing gift and I cried (on the inside). Somehow I still can't bare into my mind that I actually have an album of Taylor's. Seriously. This is so amazing. It comes with a free wristband, which I'll totally be wearing in school when I get back, and a 2013 calendar, which I had just finished hanging on my door. I can't say how happy I am, mostly because I am not the kind of girl who shows that much emotion. Sometimes I do, but only when I'm really ecstatic and stuff.

Mom and dad, I don't think you'll ever read this, but thank you. Thank you oh so much. I am sincerely sorry if I become a bitch sometimes. You know deep down my bitchiness, there's this daughter of yours who will love you forever, even if you grow old and have wrinkles and would someday need assistance when going to the bathroom. Whatever happens, I will always be your beautiful, loving, faithful daughter, and you will always be my most favorite, most awesome parents ever. I love you guys.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Yes, you heard it right. My mind is officially overloaded with information to the point wherein I just can't take it anymore. I'm having my quarterly exams tomorrow. You know what's worse? My Trigonometry exam also starts tomorrow. Monkey butts. I don't know if I can do this. I've been studying this certain subject for hours now. It actually almost feels like forever. My dad, who is thankfully excellent at math, helped me in some topics. Because of him, I sort of understand them better now.

Stupid laws of sines and cosines.

Now I must go back and fill my mind with nonsense formulas that I may or may not have to use in real life (which I highly doubt I will).

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I feel so ashamed of myself.

I don't want to post about it now. I just felt like I needed to let out what I currently feel. And I feel so ashamed. Embarrassed. Humiliated.

Tell me again why I had to stay and try to talk to him just so I could get myself embarrassed in front of him again?

I might be exaggerating a little bit, and for sure he doesn't think bad of me since he's so so so nice and sweet and everything... I just, I don't know. *le sigh* I'm so sorry.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5, 2012

... I can't explain how happy I am right now.

This day, which is just before his birthday, has been one of the best days of my life. This afternoon, we had yet another practice for the mass that we'll be having this Friday. He and his other batch mates had a symposium, and so he wasn't able to attend the practice. So since he wasn't there, who played the piano?

I did. They forced me. And since I had no choice, I played. Quite well, actually. At first I was nervous as heck, but the more I played, the more confident I felt. It was amazing, the feeling. Just after our practice, he came still in his symposium uniform which are long-sleeved polo with a maroon necktie and slacks... And you know what? He was so hot. He was just so... unf. You know how a fan-girl feels when he sees a photoset of her favorite celebrity, topless? Aw, yeah. That's what I felt.

Everyone else left. Only my friends, him and I stayed. The two of us played, and I helped him in what he missed. We never left each other's side. We were pretty close, come to think of it. My friends said we looked so romantic together. My friend, Antonette, even teased that we looked like some married couple and she's like, "I'm your daughter!" Neither of us reacted on that because it was sao awkward.

Well, after that insanely epic and awkward practice with him, we left the chapel. Still together. We all walked together. Him, me, Antonette, Roanne, and Hazel. And since my friends really like to kill me because yes, they said, "Oh, kapit-kapit, guys! Mahigpit dapat, walang bibitaw!" Having no choice but to join, he and I held each other just like how prom dates would hold together as they enter the room (I hope you understand what I'm trying to say).

That awkward yet amazing feeling when you had physical contact with the guy you are most certainly in love with and yet you still don't want to admit your feelings about him. And it is the first time that something like this has happened to me. I feel like I'm on cloud nine and I can't get out. I'm just stuck there, giggling and being all giddy and kilig and stuff. Yeah.

After a few minutes, everybody else let go of their firm grip. Everyone but us. We were stuck like that for quite sometime. It was like he had forgotten that we were holding onto each other and we're just walking like that. It was awkward. Weird. Everything. I couldn't breathe. Soon enough, I gestured for him to let me go, since he was basically the one having the tight grip. He was like, "Oh, I'm sorry." And smiled. At least I think he smiled. He's always smiling, and whenever he does, his face shines as bright as the sun and it lights me up, making me smile too. That may have sounded a bit too exaggerated, but come on. I'm in love with the guy. That's what I feel about him and I'm not ashamed. I only don't like saying, "I'm in love with him," mostly because I don't want to seem desperate. I'm not. I love him for him. And this love that I feel for him does not ask for anything in return. Respect, maybe. But it doesn't matter if he feels the same way or not. I guess, as long as he's happy, then I'm happy. That's what I feel for him. My love for him is as pure as a newborn baby held tightly by his mother as he sleeps. Nothing else matters, but for him to be completely happy and contented with his life.

I probably got a bit off-track. I'm really sorry for that. I'm sorry if you had to read all of that. But if you did read it all the way, up until the end, then I congratulate you. And of course, I thank you for giving me at least 7 minutes of your time to read this. But if you doubt that I'm telling the truth, I am. I really do love him. You just haven't met this person yet. This guy, this troll of a guy, is such a fantastic person. He's funny, he's sweet. He's kind and gentle. He respects girls, and everybody else. He doesn't choose his friends. He doesn't boast his talents. Instead, he offers it to the Lord as he plays for Him during the mass. He is the best guy that I have ever met. I'm glad I got the chance to meet him, even if it's a bit too late. I could've made friends with him earlier, but I didn't. I'm only glad that God made it able for us to meet and share some moments together. And you know what? Even if we don't end up together, I'm still happy that I get to say that I have met the perfect person. He may not be truly perfect, but he's perfect to me. He's everything that I ever wanted. All that I want from a guy, he's got it. I don't love him for his looks. Heck, he can go bald if he wanted to! (I'm not saying that he should, though.) I just want to be able to spend the next chapters of my life with the man who I know will take care of me and love me for who I am, and won't ever ask anything for return.

Also, it may be a bit too early since it still tomorrow, but I will say it anyway.

Happy Birthday, Kuya. Take care always, and don't ever change. I wish you knew how I felt for you. Maybe then you'd realized how awesomely perfect (and a troll!) you are. Wish you the best, and may many more birthdays come. I love you~ trololol =)) XD

Friday, November 30, 2012

Field Trip '12.

This year's field trip was beyond awesome. I think it's the most amazing and fun field trip we've ever had. Our first destination was in Paradise Adventure Camp in Bulacan, Philippines. We had Team Building and Water Survival, and had to go through 4 or more activities before we were able to have a free time to swim. It was fun, really. At first, my classmates and I were totally not about the activities. But then we realized how awesome they were and heck yeah! Sure, I got a few bloody bruises because of it, but they were worth it. I had the most fun, and that's all that matters.

You know what's much more awesome?

I finally have a picture of him... with me. It was my friends' idea. Those two. Always ruining my life. Hah! Kidding. I love them so much, and I love them for doing what they did. What did they do? They simply came up to him and said, "Kuya, pa-picture kami!" It was really only supposed to be me, but just to not raise any suspicion, they decided to take pictures of him with them as well. I have been staring at that picture for 5 minutes now. It's just so... *le sigh*. I just love it, okay? I wanted to cry, but at the same time I didn't. What is wrong with me omg? trololol

Should I post it? I don't know. I'm only afraid of people finding out. And once they do, I'm sure they'll start gossiping about me, spreading rumors and whatnot. I really wanted that picture taken of the both of us, it's just that I was afraid people might see and begin wondering about the two of us. And me. They might think I'm 'malandi' for doing it. I'm sorry, people who think that way. I didn't mean it. I really didn't. Blame my friends. Lol.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

From tumblr.com
You know... that isn't such a bad idea. I could use a little happiness in a jar.

What I need:

  • a transparent jar
  • assorted-colored notes
  • a pen (of course)
I can't wait to start this 2013. That's probably what I'll be giving myself on New Year's Eve. :)

That awkward moment when you talk about prom, and your parents start talking about 'you-know-who'.

It all started when I told them where our prom will be held, at El Cielito Hotel. We start talking about prom-related things, and suddenly our conversation turns like this:

Mom: Eh di'ba may mga partner yun? Sino magiging partner mo?
Me: Hm, ewan ko nga po e.
Mom: Di'ba 4th year yung makaka-partner ninyo? Paano yung guy na nago-organ sa inyo?
Me: *blushes as usual* Hah? Ano meron?
Mom: Gusto mo ba siya maka-partner? Paano kung naging date mo siya?
Me: Eh... Edi hindi ako makakahinga. Speechless ba kamo. Pero as if naman. Ewan. I wish.
Mom: Paano kung wini-wish niya rin na maka-date ka niya? Gusto mo ipa-request ko dun sa nago-organ sa inyo na kayo na lang mag-partner?
Me: *laughs* Mom!
Mom: *looks at dad who has been awfully quiet since the start of the conversation* O, ba't ka naninipa?
Dad: *laughs* Wala akong ginagawa ha!
Me: Dad, someday I will find my prince but you will always be my King. *grins*
Dad: Aw, thanks, baby. *kisses yay*

As promised, a small, not-so-detailed post about how my friend's party went.

Well, it wasn't actually a 'party' since only 4 of us was invited (close friends only) and attended. Antonette knew she couldn't accommodate the whole class and wanted to spend time with only a few of her friends. So, it was past 3pm when Roanne, Anica and I got to Antonette's house. Faye, our other friend and her best friend, was there too. We ate tacos (aw yeah), carbonara, and fruit ref cake (I don't really know what it's called). After a few talks about prom and schist, we watched a movie. Two movies, actually: Fright Night and Orphan. Oh, yes. We actually watched it. After so many months, I finally got to watch Orphan. \m/ While watching Fright Night, Antonette and I were cool and stuff while the others were shouting and were like, "Ohmuhgud, what's gonna happeeeeeeen?" We already watched the movie so many times; we only ended up laughing at our friends. (It's natural for us to do that so yeah.) Evening came... and it was time to watch Orphan *thunder sounds and other scary sound effects*. Yes, it was creepy. And gross. There were a few scenes that made me want to puke. Especially the part when *insert spoiler here*. Heh. Oh, and we also shouted really loud at the almost ending when *insert yet another spoiler here*. But it was fun. It was the kind of movie that still made me sleep peacefully last night. But Antonette wanted to watch the chilling alternate ending and we're like "NOOOOOOO!" No way. There's just some movies that really creep me out and I start imagining things during the night and in the end, I can't sleep anymore. Yep.

Basically, I had a lot of fun. We're having a movie marathon again soon. Probably during December 15+. And you bet I'll be posting about that (unless something urgent happens and I'm not allowed to go online for a long time and I forget about posting it)

I'll be posting again. Soon. (Quite sooner than you think.) -Alice

Friday, November 23, 2012

November 22-23, 2012

First of all... Belated happy birthday to mah best friend, Antonette! weeeeeee~ We're going to celebrate her birthday tomorrow, Saturday. I'm probably going to post about it as soon as possible. We're going to eat and party and watch movies and all of the fun stuff! So exciting! But wait, there's more. Before going to her house at 3:00pm, Roanne, Anica, and I are going to make ref cake (tiramisu) at my house. Antonette said she really wanted to have a ref cake on her birthday party, and so we're giving it to her. We're such good friends. :3

So... November 22. What's up with November 22? Other than it was my friend's birthday, of course. Well, I got to chat with him on Facebook again. I've always been planning on asking him, but I still had to wait for the right time. And somehow, I felt that it was time I ask him about it. And I did. Here's a preview of how our chat went:

November 23, 2012. A while ago, I gave my copy of the classical song called Kiss The Rain by Yiruma, that awesome Korean piano-playing guy. I might not go into details for now, so let's just say that I am sao awkward forever! But he's so sweet. And I love him. Y U SO ADORBS UGH WHYYYYY

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I'm sick.

I've been sick since yesterday because of tonsillitis. Whenever I swallow, my ear hurts. I've had the worst headache that made me feel like I either wanted to puke or just lie down and not move all day. I can't taste anything, I can't eat anything. I've been absent from school for two days now. I just hope I can go to school tomorrow. -Alice

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I said 'hi' to him today.

And you know what? I honestly didn't get nervous. At all. Like it was perfectly normal for a girl like me to say hi to a boy like him. I waved at him like a friend, and he waved back as well. His smile was so mesmerizing. I wish I could always say hi to him like that without feeling anxious or nervous or whatever. Even at school. My friends always tell me to say hi to him. I always say no, since I always thought that he'd feel awkward and think something else. But he isn't that kind of person. He's kind, and sweet, and he doesn't pick friends. Everyone is his friend. I know that now.

And with that, I end my speech.

Until my next entry. -Alice

Saturday, November 10, 2012

That one time.

That one awkward time...

When his butt was on my face.

... Well, almost. Basically, it was near my face.

I don't know who's more embarrassed: me, or him. He didn't know, though. So maybe I'm just as embarrassed for him as I am for me. I swear it was totally awkward; it was like that one time when some guy accidentally hugged me (I posted about it once) and I cried. I didn't cry this time, but I was shocked. And I'm pretty sure that my face looked like a tomato that time. Roanne was there too; his butt was also near her face. Antonette saw what happened, and she's like, "SHITBRIX!" and stuff.

... My head hurts now.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dream Come True

Once, a long time ago (probably a few months back), I dreamt of him. I dreamt that he and I were playing the piano together. Well, either that, or he was teaching me. Anyway, the room in which we were had a piano, and we were beside each other in front of that piano.

I honestly did not expect that dream of mine to come true. Then yesterday, we had a choir practice for this month's First Friday Mass. He played the piano, as always. I watched him play, and as usual, I was just as mesmerized as before. There was a time when he was making a bit of mistakes, and it made me smile. Why? Because I remember so much of myself when that happened. I always make mistakes when I play the piano. And when I do, I just laugh it off and start over. Nothing much happened, except for Antonette and Hazel eating Nips while we were singing. So, I shall skip to the good part. It was past 4:50pm. High school students were already going home, and we were still practicing. Of course we didn't mind; what we minded was that we weren't able to get our bags in our classrooms. Worried, some of them took off to get their bags. I stayed, because my friends volunteered to get my bag for me (I love them sao much okay). It was only him, me, the 4th year, 2nd year, and some 1st year. I scooted over to the end of the long chair, where Antonette was just sitting a while ago. I was looking at the altar, and since I have this sort of ability to see from the corner of my eye, I could see him looking at me. So I looked at him. He was making a face, as though trying to tell me, "Sige na, turuan mo na ako." He was making a pout face, along with his cute puppy dog eyes. I also made a face that says, "Hindi po ako gaano magaling e." What? I'm shy as heck. It wasn't a matter of time until he got to make me sit on that chair-his chair-in front of the piano. I tried to play the song, but I couldn't. I mean, of course I could; I just couldn't concentrate on it well. He was... distracting me. And also, I felt very nervous! I'm not used to playing the piano in front of people okay ._. Soon after, everyone else left. The only ones left were him, me, Ms. Diaz and Sr. Rosario. The practice was obviously over, so the two of us- he and me (is that even correct? lol)-played with the piano. Well, he was playing the piano. I was only suggesting songs and pieces for him to play. First, I told him to play River Flows in You. As always, it was beautiful. His hand pressed every key gracefully, not missing any key at all. Sure, yeah, he made mistakes. That's understandable. I also asked if he could play Kiss The Rain. He didn't know it, tho. I then went beside him and showed him the first notes with my right hand. After, I showed him the left. All of a sudden, my face went all super-thick and was like, "Kuya, pwede ko pong i-try?" He was so nice, saying, "Sure, sige lang!" I tried to play, and of course, it was an EPIC FAIL. *facepalm* First of all, there was no sustain. I can't play without sustain! All my years of playing the piano, I have never liked playing without using the sustain. I honestly do not know how he is able to play without it. My tutor and my mentor both told me that it is, what's the word? Essential? I don't remember. BASTA. ugh epic fail talaga nakakahiya ako kapal kapal kasi ng mukha he probably hates me nao T^T (not really but that's what i feel so yea)

... Okay. This post is getting pretty long. I'm just going to start summarizing from now on. XD

After a while, Antonette and Hazel got back. They caught us beside each other-him playing the piano and me, looking at him play. They told me they wanted to squeal so hard! But of course, they couldn't. Not when we're together. I don't want him to know that I like him. Not now. Maybe someday, but for now, I'd like to keep it as a secret. I just don't want to get my heart broken again.

OH YEAH. There was one time he was playing River Flows In You on the piano. I noticed some writing on his right hand (I've actually noticed it for a long time since the practice). I pointed to it, and he chuckled, saying, "Si ___ kasi!" I chuckled with him at the same time. I can't tell what was written there, but there was a heart. Like ______ ♥ ______. I don't know. And I guess I don't care. Because what happened yesterday made me so happy that nothing on that day could've ruined my day. But before the practice, I was actually pissed. I was still pissed when we went to the chapel. Later, I was beginning to feel normal, and soon enough, happy and giddy inside. And it's all because of him. ^____^ *le sigh*

I'm supposed to be doing my homework right now. I should really get back to doing it.

Now Playing (and has been playing several times now): All Too Well - Taylor Swift 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The study date that never happened.

[This isn't some real schist that happened to me in real life, if anyone was wondering. First of all, I would never go on a date because I am too awesome for anyone to see through my epic awesomeness. Secondly... this is just a dream.]

I honestly don't remember much of my dream. All I can recall of it is that I was with him, and he was supposedly going to tutor me in Trigonometry (he's really good at math okay). He started giving me these examples for me to work on and study further. While I was busy calculating stuff, he showed me a paper with the letters "RP" in it. At first I didn't understand, then he said, "I want to check out your role-play. In Tumblr. If you don't mind." I told him, "Oh, alright." I typed in the url, "percyjacksonroleplay.tumblr.com" and entered. Ever since then, we ended up hanging out together instead of studying, thus explaining the title above.

It isn't much of a long dream, but it certainly gives me the goosebumps whenever I remember that scene. :3 And this is the first dream that I've had for months! I guess I was pretty sleepy last night and was relaxed, too. I've just been really tired and stressed that I haven't been able to relax even for just a while.

Welp, until my next entry. -Alice

Monday, October 29, 2012

Friendship Bracelets

I have always been fond of friendship bracelets. I've been meaning to get some for me and my friends, but never found the right one and always seemed to have no money when I do.

Last week, probably on a Friday or Saturday night, I had stumbled upon a Youtube video teaching you how to make your own Friendship bracelets. I loved the style; it didn't seem so easy to make (it is to some people) but with determination and hard work, I think I'll be able to do it. I'm going to give 5 of my closest friends one friendship bracelet, each made using their favorite colors. I'm really excited on doing this project of mine this week. I have decided to give it to them on Christmas; yes, I know it's a bit too early. Christmas is a month and a half away, why hurry? Well, this week is our semester break (for the first time in years) and since I know I won't be doing much, i thought, why not do something productive and make these? And besides, if I don't start now, I might not be able to have time to make anymore; 2nd quarter's over, that means another quarter is going to start soon. How soon? Next week, I guess. That also means new projects, performance tasks, etc. Pretty soon I'll be loaded with school work and I won't have time to do this project anymore!

So, yeah. Now you know.

I hope my friends are going to like what I'm going to get them for Christmas. It may not be much, but it has that sentimental value which I know they're going to love. They might not even expect something such as this to be given to them by me. XD (Or maybe they will. I don't really know.)

It's 1 in the morning, and I am still wide awake.

I don't know anymore.

I guess I'm just not tired. I'm always like this doing the weekends, or just whenever we have no classes the next day. I sleep late all the time, and in turn, I wake up late, too. I know it's a bad habit and can be very unhealthy. I would also like to cure me off this 'habit' of mine. I have tried drinking hot milk before I sleep. I continued doing so for a few months but it wasn't long until I grew tired and stopped.

I have run out of things to say.

I still can't sleep.

Oh well. Kim Possible's on in Disney Channel and I really want to watch it. I miss this show so much.

Until my next entry.~

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I have officially claimed Dakota Goyo as my (and his lol) adopted son.

Last Sunday, I watched Real Steel on Star Movies. It was a really good movie, one I would watch him my dad and hopefully, my future boyfriend (if I ever meet him) during our movie dates. It sucks that I didn't get to watch it with my dad, though. In truth, I watched that movie secretly; I wasn't actually allowed to watch since I had classes the next day. Anyway, Dakota as Max was so cute and awesome and ugggggggggh~ No, I don't have a crush on him. I just think he's so adorable and everything and I just want to hug him and pinch his cheeks asdfghjkl.

Welp I'm watching it right now and yaaaaaaay my adopted son is sao cute with his puppy dog eyes and everything ugh I love you son

Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 18, 2012

Probably one of the best days of my life. What I felt when I first met him last August 3, I felt it yet again during this day. Only now... it's much better.

It was past 3pm. The school choir, Koro Dominicano, had a practice in a room near the school library. There wasn't much people there yet; only some 2nd year, 3rd year (my friends and I), 1st year boys, and him. Sr. Rosario played a song in the laptop, but apparently, it wasn't loud enough. She asked him if there was someone he knew who had a speaker. Antonette said, "Our classmate has a speaker!" He asked her, "O, samahan mo ako." Knowing Antonette, she already had a plan in store. She replied to him, "Eh tinatamad na ako. Si Alaina na lang!" Then he looked at me and was like, "Sige na, samahan mo ako." As if I had any choice, right? So in the end, I ended up getting the speaker from my classmate with him. ALONE. As if it had to be more awkward than that, right? Well, yes. It did.

There was one time when we met Ms. Diaz in the corridor. She asked us, "Oh, where are you going?" He replied, "Miss, kukunin lang yung speaker sa classmate ni..." Then he looked at me. He doesn't know my name completely yet.

Me: Alaina po. *smiles*
Him: *takes my ID card and looks at it* Al... Alaina? *haves trouble reading it a bit*
Me: *laughs* Lala na lang po.
Him: Lala? Lalalala-lalalalala~ *grins*

And from then on, he started saying things like, "Aina? Ana? Ina? Analyn? Lalyn? Lynla?" It was hilarious! And all throughout I kept arguing with him jokingly, saying, "Lala po!" And then there was this convo that was such a major turn-on that I started to like him more than ever.

Me: Kailan po ba yung Living Rosary?
Him: Hmm... *takes a look at the paper with the date* Ayun! October 27... Ay, lagot! Hindi! Para kay Lord 'to. Ayus lang.

God is his first priority all the time. He would do anything for Him. He would sacrifice his time and give his full effort just to serve and worship the Lord. A MAJOR TURN-ON. Ever since then, I liked him more. I mean, I liked him a lot before that, but now... I would like to say I love him but I can't because... Well, it's a long story.

When I told my friends everything, they squealed. Antonette kept saying, "I am so proud I wanna cry!" Sigh. I love my friends a lot. They might be crazy, but they're just as crazy as I am. So I'm okay with that. ^^ :)

Until my next entry. -Alice <3

That awkward moment when you turn to look at him...

... And realize that he's already looking at you as well.

That was very awkward. It happened just yesterday. We finished our flag retreat and was allowed to go home. My friends and I were standing somewhere on the cemented area, laughing. What we were laughing about, I don't recall. All I remember is while laughing and smiling, I turned to look at his direction. When I looked at him, he was already looking at me. It was very awkward, indeed. I mean, to have someone you like look at you and catch him while he does? Yes, maybe he was just looking at someone else. But I swear to everything good and evil he was facing to me! I don't want to believe, but I saw it with my own two eyes. I don't know why, but I felt embarrassed. Humiliated, even. I am a very weird person with weird feelings.

I told that to my friends. Roanne, who ships the two of us, told us that while they were having a meeting in CAT or something, he was really quiet and obviously deep in thought. Whatever he was thinking of is a mystery, for now. She told me that it happened after our flag retreat, when their commander or whatever you call that highest position in CAT called them for a meeting (I don't know! I don't know anything about that!). She was probably thinking something when she told me that, but I don't want to expect anything. I just live, love, and laugh. The usual.

And I might have some more to talk about. But I shall post it on another entry because yes

Friday, October 12, 2012

Someone hugged me today.

It was a boy.

It was an accident.

It was awkward. And gross. Not for me, but for him as well.

It all started when our boy classmates were playing hide-and-seek while in blindfold in the classroom. They were having fun, and of course, us girls had fun watching them look crazy. After a while, Hazel asked me to accompany her to the canteen for whatever reason. I stood up and was about to follow her, until the boy with the blindfold suddenly tackled me and hugged me from behind. It was CRAAAAAZY! He hugged me so tight, I was almost unable to breathe. I sat down flatly on the ground, trying to get his hands of my waist. I cried so hard when that happened; my friends tried to calm me down. I honestly don't like anyone hugging me, much less a BOY. Hazel told me that she almost cried when that happened to me. She knows how I don't like being hugged, and being held by a boy, either in my hands or anywhere else. (A simple poke wouldn't hurt me, though.) I guess she felt pretty sympathetic for me; I mean, who wouldn't, right? So yeah, the guy's cute and has a sexy appeal or whatever, but come on! He's not even my type! (I like someone else!) And I don't like people hugging me so tightly! Today was sao embarrassing ugghhhhhhhhhh *facepalm*

I just hope people would forget that ever happened.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Yesterday was an awesome day.

Our school choir-Koro Dominikano-sang during the mass last night. We were one of the sponsors of the mass in honor of San Lorenzo Ruiz, our patron saint. He played the piano, and we sang. He was truly, truly awesome. Our former mentor, Ms. Beth Pascual, was so proud of us. We're proud of ourselves too. I'm glad we did a good job. I'm just sad mom didn't get to hear us sing, though. She stayed at home with my brother. Anyway, it's fine. There's always a next time. :)

I've got lots to talk about! Mostly it's about him and... yeah. I'll start last Tuesday, September 25. After practicing for the mass, he played a bunch of songs like A Thousand Miles, Wedding Dress, River Flows In You, and Statue. He was amazing. So amazing that all those slutty girls began screaming, saying, "Woo! Go Kuya! Ang galing mo!" It was so gross. Those sluts. Messing with my man. (What? jooooooooooke) I hate how they started talking about him after that, feeling like they know EVERYTHING about him. Well they don't! They only like him because he's hot and handsome and talented. I like him for him, and that makes me better than them. Indeed, I am. 

Then there's this girl. She's pretty. A lot of boys like her. She's sort of dating someone at the moment. And you know what? SHE LIKES HIM. Are you fucking kidding me? Can't you just freaking stick to one? Can't you? You bitch. Ang landi-landi mo, tangina. You certainly don't know what you have until you lost it. I hate you. I hated you the first time I saw you in school. Gods.

Okay. I'll stop with the bad news. Now, to the good news! yaaaaaaaaaaaay~

It happened last Tuesday too. After we all went back to our classrooms, some of the choir members stayed to practice more of their voicing. One of them was my friend, Roanne. As always, she took the chance to talk to him... about me.

Roanne: Kuya, kaya mo po yung River Flows In You? 
Him: Hindi masyado e. 
Roanne: I see. Narinig ko lang po yun kay Lala e.
Him: Talaga? Ang galing niya naman.
*a few moments latuuuuur*
Roanne: Ang ganda talaga ng Pagsibol.
Him: Oo nga. Ang sarap niyang pakinggan.
Roanne: Gusto ko po yan matutunan. Ipapatugtog ko nga po yan kay Lala.
Him: Ang galing talaga nun! Dapat i-train na natin kasi siya na susunod na magpa-piano next year.

Haaaaay. I love you, Roanne.

Then yesterday, September 27, Antonette asked him to dance the Oppa Gangnam Style. We sort of had a deal that she'll make him dance OGS and the dougie. When she asked him, he began dancing. And he was right in front of us the whole time! I could not stop smiling and blushing. My heart was like dug-dug-dug-dug. Yes, it was beating pretty loudly. He was adorable, dancing silly like that. Teehee. ^_^

While we were singing, he was playing the piano, of course. Roanne told me that one time, when he slipped his fingers and accidentally pressed the wrong key, he made a face and for a brief second, looked at me and half-smiled. Then, he continued playing. Roanne said, "He was probably thinking that you would notice it since you can play the piano too. Ha! He thinks that we won't notice it, but he knew that you would! You guys are so adorable!" The typical shipper that is Roanne. Lol. 

Hm, that's just it. For now. I'm sorry if my writing and grammar's a little messed up. I'm sleepy and tired and yes. Leave me alone.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

... I really don't like the new style of Blogger.

I miss the old style. It was much simpler and easier to use. *le sigh*

ANYWAY, back to the topic. SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO ME LAST NIGHT. Or I don't know. My cousin told me it was awesome, and that she was really happy for me... Argh! Okay. Well, last night, Jamie (my cousin) and I were outside video-chatting with Hazel, my best friend. We were noisy and LOL-ing, as usual. It's what we always do when we video-chat. Then suddenly, three people passed by our house. Yes, it was dark so it might've been impossible to see their faces. But I did. I saw who they were. It was... HIM. He was with two other people: his cousin and his friend (who is a girl). I swear to everything good and evil I shrieked so hard (but only after they left tho). I just could not believe it. Out of all the places they can go, they choose to go to our road and pass by our house! WHAT THE ASDFGHJKL. What's worse is that I looked absolutely horrible! I was wearing my favorite blouse which is two sizes too big for me, and my position was, ugh, I can't even explain. It's actually a good thing I got to sleep after that incident.

So now, I am still frightened and traumatized about it. I really hope he doesn't pass by here again (or maybe he can, as long as I won't see him lol) -Alice

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I watched Step Up 3 last night.

And ohhhh myyyyyyy goooooooood Adam G. Sevani was so hot! He's very cute, and his smile is so adorable. I just want to play with his curly hair all day long. And when he dances, BOOM! I'm dead. He's really hot and sexy when he dances. I don't even care if I'm the only one who thinks that way. You know what? I think I just found a new celebrity crush. (ooooooooh) XD :">

Good news.

My tests are done! Yaaaaaaaay. Now I can go online. I have a lot to post about, but since it might take me a long time to summarize them all, I'll just skip some and narrate the good stuff.

For the last few days, I have been dreaming a lot about him. It's really weird because I'm not used to dreaming about my crushes. You know what's weirder? Antonette told me that she dreamt about me and him once. She dreamt that the two of us were hanging out in the corridor, then he passed by. He said, "Hi, Antonette!" Then when he turned to me, he was like, "Hi, Babe!" I rolled my eyes jokingly and replied, smiling, "Hmph, babe ka dyan." It was sooooo awkward! Like, why would Anette dream about that? WHYYYYYYY~

Then a while ago, my classmates and I were hanging out in the corridor, as usual. I was reading a notebook, reviewing for the tests today. I looked up to the side and saw him passing by our corridor. Pretending that I didn't see anything, I looked back to the notebook and read again. When he already passed by, I looked up and smiled. Suddenly, Antonette told me, "Girl, alam mo ba, nung nag-pass by siya dito, bigla siyang tumingin sayo. Seriously! Tumingin na ako sa kanya, pero ikaw parin yung tinitignan niya. OMG!" Even my other friend, Anica, said it was true. What the fudge. What is happening. What is wrong with the world? D: (lol joke you know I loved it. not expecting tho because yes)

Also, I just came back from SM. Roanne, Mika, and I went there to do our Performance Task in Statistics. Long story. Anyway, after doing our tiring P.T., we bought earrings and stuff. Then we went home. Roanne's mind began thinking about strange stuff. She was like, "What if in the future, he's holding a baby boy in his hand and your hand on the other? Ohmuhgud, that's so sweet!" "Oh, oh! And what if one day, he walks in his office with his baby boy and the girls begin screaming at his entrance, saying, 'Oh em gee, it's Sir _____! And he's holding a baby! How cute! I wonder who the mother is? She must be so lucky!' Then you go to his office to bring him his lunch and then they start asking, 'Oh, who's that?' 'That's Sir _____'s wife! OMGGGG'" Aaaaaand a bunch of other stuff. Did I mention that she ships me and him? Yeah. She's a true shipper. She told me that if we won't end up together, she'll be heartbroken. Once I asked her why she liked us together, and she said, "You guys are just so adorable together! Like, you're dorky, and he's, well, dorkier. And you're both geniuses! And musically talented. Gosh, your kids would have the most amazing voices ever! I have never liked a couple in my entire life except you guys. I mean, I can seriously imagine you two having a good future together. Like, it's right there in my head just waiting to happen in real life. I just, I love you guys, okay." I love you too, Roanne. Seriously. And I am truly happy in treating you that lovely and yummy strawberry-dipped ice cream that was so hard to eat since it kept dripping and melting on our hands. Gross. XD =))

Until my next entry, I guess. -Alice ^_^ 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Also this happened last September 1:

"holy mother of crap" trololol i can't breathe omg jesus take the wheel

I am 50% happy and 50% furious today.

I don't know where to start. Bad news or good news? Usually people always start with the bad news and end with the good news because for-I-don't-know reasons. But this bad news is totally breaking my heart. I am totally furious-and I mean, FURIOUS-about it that I am not sure whether to continue this entry.

But we all know I'll do it anyway.

Antonette, one of my best friends, has just got her heart broken this week. One of our classmates (let's call her Rica, shall we?) told her something very awful. As awful as the smell of smelly socks. Rica told her, "Anette, I am so sorry! I have a crush on your crush, and your crush likes me too! Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Uh, bitch, what are you saying sorry for? You don't have the right to say sorry AT ALL. What's your sorry going to do, huh? Can it turn back the time from where you were born so that you'll never be born again? Wow. Just, wow. When I heard about that, it just totally pissed me off. For one thing, if you did know that Anette liked him, then why did you like him back? Have you ever forgotten about the rule? "Friends shall not have a crush on another friend's crush." That's like a golden rule. Seriously. And second, HOW DARE YOU STEAL HIM FROM HER. MY BEST FRIEND. I REALLY HATE YOU RIGHT NOW. I REALLY WISH I COULD TOSS YOU AND YOUR STUPID CRUSH DOWN TO HELL SO YOU COULD ROT THERE TOGETHER. A-HOLES.

Not only that. A while ago, when it was dismissal time, we saw them together. Antonette saw them too. She cried. A lot. She couldn't hold back the tears any longer so we decided to comfort her for a while until she calmed down. It just sucks, okay? She has had a crush on that guy-that stupid guy-for a year and a few months. And then this bitch decided to step out from the underworld and take him away from her. I am so frustated with every-fucking-thing that I wish both of them would just burn and die. (I can be very morbid at times so I am so sorry for anyone who is reading this.) How dare they. How dare that bitch. How dare that stupid guy who fell for the bitch. You two have only known each other for weeks, and yet you're already flirting with each other? What is this, PBB Teens? This isn't a reality show, dumbasses. You two, just rot in hell. And die. Bitches.

I don't have the strength to tell the good news anymore. I'm just going to summarize it. I talked to him, blah blah blah and stuff. And a while ago, after dismissal, when Anica and I were about to go outside to check if our school buses were there. We passed by HIM while Anica and I were laughing out loud. I couldn't see much of him, but I could tell that he was looking at my direction. When we got to our destination, Anica told me that he was looking at me. And I was like, "HUWAAAAAT?" And I couldn't stop blushing and being kilig. I think he was trying to say hi but then I wasn't looking and was busy LOL-ing so he decided to just do it next time. OMGGGGGGGGGG~ Oh well. There's always next time. (at least I hope so)

Also, he's going to play the piano during our mass tomorrow! asdfghjkl So awesome! \m/

Welp, until next time. -Alice

Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's a good start for the month of September for me.

Today, September 1, was our Card Giving which was done a few hours ago. I didn't come with my mom to our school since I was still asleep. Well, half-asleep, actually. I kept turning sideways every 5 minutes; I just couldn't sleep well because I was so nervous and worried about my grades. I know I studied very well on my subjects, but what if it wasn't enough? My school's pretty strict when it comes to giving grades. Most of them, anyway. They say we're the ones giving them the grades, but sometimes, that isn't true. Okay, so after a few hours of turning and half-sleeping, my mom finally got home and woke me up. The first word she told me was, "Sayang." (Too bad.) I thought to myself, "Ohmuhgud, what is it? What happened? I LOST MY PLACE IN THE TOP? HOLY MACARONI!" Then she showed me the card. It said I did pretty good in Values Education, English, Social Studies and T.L.E./Computer. I needed to improve a bit in Trigonometry, Statistics, Chemistry, and Microbiology. Journalism was my highest. It's the first-ever subject that I've had in this school wherein my grade is higher than 90. Woo! Happy, happy, happy!

Then I learned from my mom that I was Top 4. Top 4 out of 48 students in my class! Can you believe it? She also told me that I could've become an honor nominee (or something I don't know what they're called) but the four subjects that needed improvement ruined my chance of becoming one. "But it's okay, we're still really proud of you," Mom said. "I called your dad and he was so happy of you becoming top 4!"

So, yeah. In the end, I'm happy of my grades. I thank God for giving me all of these awesome grades and helping me become top 4, even if it's only in our class. It's definitely a good start for me for the month of September! Hopefully, I will improve a lot more next quarter. With the help of my parents, my teachers, and my friends, I pray that I will achieve more than what I have today.

Until my next entry. -Alice :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012


This morning until the afternoon, our school celebrated the annual Linggo ng Wika. We also had the so-called "laro ng lahi" in which we play a bunch of Filipino games like palayok, tug-of-war, patintero, kadang-kadang, and so much more. Fortunately, our batch, the Third Year, won in some of them. I am honestly proud of all our players who participated in all of the games and did their very best to win the game and show the other levels how we don't suck anymore! I wanted to play in the tug-of-war, but eh. I wasn't in the mood. Also, my P.E. was ruined. (Long story.)

Basically, we had a lot of fun. Seriously! Everything went well-I thought it wouldn't at first, but in the end, everything came together and made me happy, happy, happy! And because I am happy, I will be posting pictures taken during our event.
From left-to-right: Monique, Antonette, Me!, Lorraine, Hazel, and Blessie. :)

Meet our muse, Angelica. She's a friend of mine as well. She's pretty, isn't she? :3 :)
The parade.

The other muse and escort of our batch, Abby and Charles. Abby's really beautiful! Charles... well, he's okay. :)

I really had fun today. Hope everyone had a fun day as well! -Alice :D

Saturday, August 18, 2012

And before I forget...


Ooh, boy. I can still recall the first birthday I celebrated with you, along with your million fans all over the world. It was August 18, 2010; I had just entered high school as a 1st year. I didn't do much, really. I only greeted you via Tumblr. But still, in my heart, I was thrilled and happy to finally be able to celebrate your birthday with you. It was then I felt like I was really part of the fandom. Call me weird and all, but it's true. And I promise to stay with this fandom, through thick and thin, no matter how many years have passed, even if people forget about Percy Jackson and nobody remembers to read it anymore, I will always be here. Forever. Until time comes that I shall depart from this world and enter into a new one. PJO means so much to me, and I am grateful to Rick Riordan for making such an awesome book series. Hopefully he never stops writing about Mythology, whether Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse... I will still love them nonetheless.

... omg ang arte ko pala


A lot of things have happened since I last posted an entry here.

I don't know how to summarize them, mostly because I forgot them. Whoops. Anyway, I'll still try to fit some details before getting on to what I really want to talk about. This month of August, we, the Third Year students, are having our NCAE or "National Career Assessment Examination". Basically, our whole lives depend on this test since this will determine what course we are suggested to take and whether we're going to attend in a good college. I'm nervous about this exams a lot; I feel like I won't be able to pass. But then again, if I keep thinking negatively, nothing good will come out of it. I pray to God sometimes, just so He'll give me the knowledge, wisdom and concentration to do my best in these exams.

Another thing is that I got sort of good scores in our exams, both Summative and Quarterly. My lowest were Trigonometry, Statistics, Chemistry, and Microbiology. Obviously I have to do better next quarter if I want to excel. I will do my best. And I'm hoping I'm going to get better scores and grades next quarter.

Okay, I think that summarizes all of the things that happened. Well, I did skip on a few things, but I don't think they are important enough to be announced, anyway. And now, I shall start.

I chatted with him last night on Facebook. If you're asking who made the first move... it was me. It's called, "being brave". Honestly, I never thought I'd be able to do it. I was getting paranoid again thinking about stuff like, "OMG WHAT IF HE DOESN'T REPLY?" or "WHAT IF HE IGNORES MEH? ASDFGHJKL" ... Yeah. I'm weird. So after typing and sending in his chat box, I waited for a few moments (thankfully, it didn't reach minutes). He actually replied to me! Can you imagine? *le dreamy sigh* We talked for almost one hour, I think. We kept on talking about different stuff, jumping from one topic to another topic. It's weird, really. He treats me like a friend, even though we aren't that much close yet. Guess he's just really nice like that. I love him. What? Who said that?

Le preview of one part of our chat:

Hihi~ Welp, until the next entry. - Alice 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Yesterday, August 6, 2012, was one of the happiest days of my life... again. It was the first time we had an actual conversation. And you know what? He was the one who started it! Can you believe it? I certainly don't. I can't even get over it yet. More than 24 hours had passed and I'm still thinking about it. asdfhjkl I AM SO HAPPY

But wait. Before I go all crazy and hyper again, let me tell you what happened. It was almost the afternoon; the whole school had a practice for the mass that was supposedly to be celebrated tomorrow, August 8. Although we're not sure yet whether there will be classes or not because of the heavy rain. Anyway, after the practice, Sr. Rosario, one of the sisters (nuns) in our school, asked the former Koro Dominicano (the school choir) to have a short meeting. Being one of the former choir, of course I had to go. I sat beside an empty seat. Jokingly, I told my friends, "Doesn't anybody want to sit beside me?" Then, I saw him go near the empty seat and... Guess what? He sat beside me. ME. I couldn't breathe when that happened. I kept playing with my I.D. awkwardly since I felt really weird and all. It was also the first time I've ever been close to him. The feeling was like being in a very closed room. I couldn't breathe and I feel like I was about to burst. While Sr. Rosario was saying something, he muttered to me...

Him: Ui, palitan mo na ako sa pag-piano. Pagod na ako e.
Me: E mas magaling ka po kaysa sakin e...
Him: Hmph. De bale, ikaw naman susunod next year.
Me: Paano po si Aira? Mas magaling po siya kaysa sakin.
Him: Tinanong ko na rin siya. Ayaw niya raw; sabi niya mas magaling ka sa kanya.
*after a few moments*
Sr. Rosario: Sino pang marunong mag-piano dito?
Roanne: *forces me to raise my hand*
Sr. Rosario: O, kailangan mo ng mag-training dahil ikaw na yung susunod next year.
Him: *nudges my arm* Sabi ko sayo e!
Roanne: Kuya ______, ikaw po yung magtuturo kay Lala, ha!


Lol kidding. Welp, that's all. (and I still can't breathe!) -Alice <3

Saturday, August 4, 2012

As I promised, more pictures from yesterday!

I apologize for them being blurry because we didn't have a camera with us and only used our cellphones.

Photos courtesy of: Lorraine Arroyo. :)

Before I end this post, let me introduce to you my friends one-by-one.

From left to right: Marianne (the girl with the ever-so white legs), Mhave, Blessie, Lorraine, Alex (the girl doing the 'peace' sign above Lorraine's head), Hazel, Angelica (the girl beside me), Faye, Monique, Antonette, and Roanne.

I am indeed very grateful to have wonderful and amazing friends like them.  

Yesterday was one of the best days in my entire school year.

Three wonderful and spectacular things happened to me. Let me narrate them to you one by one.

First, it was morning after our flag ceremony in school. We had a triduum in honor of St. Dominic de Guzman, the patron saint of our school (or something like that). The former Koro Dominicano had to sing onstage while my crush played the piano. I was overwhelmed and inspired by him as he played, as always. After the triduum, my friends Antonette, Roanne, and Hazel made me stay backstage for a while. For what reason? I didn't know. Until he came and they called him, "Ui, Kuya _______! Ang galing mo mag-piano a! By the way, kilala mo na ba si Lala?" They pointed to me. Then, he looked straight at me and said, "Lala? Ui! Ikaw yung susunod na magpa-piano next year a!" I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. I couldn't find the right words, and it was like my tongue was getting twisted. I was... speechless. I swear I even cried after we talked to him. It was the first time he actually talked to me, looked at me in the eye. Finally, he knows who I am.

Second thing isn't going to be such a big deal, but it is for me. It was dismissal time. While I was passing by the canteen, he was there, simply standing, waiting for his friends who were talking to a teacher. I decided that it was time to make a move. So I breathed in deeply, trying to take all of my courage, and breathed out. Finally, I smiled at him. He smiled back And his smile... it was beautiful.

Third was probably the most awesome thing that happened yesterday! (Okay, so it's probably tied up with the first. And the second as well.) My friends and I went to my house to have a movie marathon. And it was the best M.M. we've had ever since! And it happened in my house! All os uf were just bonding and hanging out, watching movies while eating a bunch of foods like mom's tacos, popcorn, junk foods, and the like. We watched two movies: The Sixth Sense(1999) and Blades of Glory(2007). Yes, one scary and one funny, because that's how we roll. When it was 5:30pm, some of our friends had to go. (Aw!) But before they were able to, we had an awesome photo-shoot. Here are some of the pictures we took outside of our house, courtesy of mom's cellphone.

I shall post more later because I want to. Teehee!~ :3

Friday, July 27, 2012

List of things to do this weekend:

  • Finish portfolio in Music and Arts.
  • Do the movie review on "Ang Babae sa Septic Tank" in Filipino.
  • Make the evaluation in Chemistry.
  • Study for the upcoming Quarterly Exams (August 1, 2, and 3)
Ehhhh I think that's it... for now. I'm so tired; I barely even had sleep for the past few days. Every morning when I wake up it's always late, and I feel like my eye bags are so big now. It's like my bags have bags. Ugh. I don't even feel like it's Friday today! I don't want to think about my homework so much, since I don't want to get stressed. But I still can't help it! I really hope I'll be able to finish everything before Monday. Why couldn't we have 5-day weekend again? asdfghjkl

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Performing Arts auditions today!

Lol actually, it was a while ago. We went to school and had auditions for those who wanted to be a part of Performing Arts club. In my case, I auditioned for singing. My friends auditioned for Speech Choir and acting. They all got in; I was so proud of them! I congratulated them a lot since I was happy that they did it. As for me, I sang 'Jump Then Fall' by Taylor Swift. It's a fast song, so Miss Rovira, our club moderator, asked if I could perform again any time this week and prepare two songs: a ballad and an opm song. For the ballad, I would sing and perform 'Dance With My Father'; I'm going to sing and play the piano at the same time, since she wanted to see my scales in playing the instrument. In other words, I guess she wanted to see how good I already was in playing the piano. I'm not that good, honestly. I just try and do my best all the time. For the opm song, I will sing 'Sa Ugoy Ng Duyan'. I know, they're lovely songs, aren't they? My parents are my inspiration for this. I know they're going to support me in here all the way. Although we often fight, I still love them a lot because they're caring and sweet and kind. They're overprotective, yes. But it's alright; I can handle them, anyway. :)

I still have to do my projects. Until next time. -Alice <3

P.S.: I want to stop liking him. Seriously. I mean, no matter how much I like him, I still won't be able to talk to him. Why? Because I am always freaking shy. And I hate it. Sometimes I'd like myself to be more... 'thick-faced' or something. Like some of my friends. *le sigh* Whatever.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We're having problems with our 'friend' again.

We really thought she changed, but we were wrong. Just a while ago, one of our friends gave us ballers that he bought from London while he was there last summer. We all had one, except for her and our other friend. But our friend was nice enough to give her the baller that he had. So in the end, she was the one who didn't get anything. It's very funny, really, because when she didn't get anything, she totally got upset and, I don't know, disappointed, I guess? It's not like she had the right to get angry, anyway. We asked for those ballers long before we met her; it was last summer, actually. So our friend bought just the right amount for all of us to be able to get one. She's still new; she's not even close to our friend! She probably doesn't even know his name. And even if she did, it won't matter. I just wish she's realize how irritating her attitude is. She even got angry to our friend who got the baller instead of her! I swear if she won't change her damn attitude, I will slap her in the face and let her know how much we hate her bitchy attitude. Bitch.

Sorry. I just had to let that out.

I should go now.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New haircuuuuuuuut!

Last Sunday, I got my haircut. It looks alright, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted, unfortunately. My family and friends say it's cute, though. I do believe them, somehow. They kept saying that I looked like another person, which was true. When I came to school on Monday, they totally did not recognize me! They were like, "Is that Alaina? OMG NO WAY" Their reactions were funny. Like, seriously.

And as I promised, a photo of me with mah new hair:

What do you think? I know, my face sucks! Heh, kidding. I like my new hair, really. The only thing I don't like about it are the bangs. I remember having bangs when I was in 2nd year; I feel like I went back in time and became a 2nd year high school all over again (although I have to admit, I look better today than I was last year).

Good-bye long hair, and hello short and crazy hair!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Just got back from watching The Amazing Spider-Man.

I got two words for it: AMAZING and FLAWLESS. It was so awesome, in my opinion; I can't even put my emotions into words. If I had to explain what I'm currently feeling right now, it would somehow turn out like this: ASDFKDJHGKD;'.FSJFJSK`;DKD.AKDLAJKKFNCNSI

After watching the movie, I got irritated to my cousin who said it sucked. Seriously. Who wouldn't love it? It was great, fabulous. AMAZING. Even my mom liked the movie! My cousin probably couldn't get over the fact that Tobey Maguire isn't Spider-Man anymore. Yes, I'm sad too, but come on! Andrew Garfield did super good in that movie! Great, even. And Emma Stone was so unf and ugh flawless. I really don't think I will be able to sleep properly tonight; I'll probably only stay up all night thinking and daydreaming about the movie. I always daydream about a certain movie, especially when it's really awesome.

Anyway, it's past 11pm already. I should be asleep right now. Meep.


P.S. I didn't get a haircut tonight. It's a sign that I shouldn't cut it yet! Well, it's probably because we didn't have enough time for me to have my haircut... but, yeah. Maybe I'll have my haircut tomorrow? We'll never know.

Deciding whether or not I should cut my hair short.

I've been thinking about it a lot, and I really want to cut it short again. But then, there are pro's and con's of cutting my hair. I guess I'd have to list them down to see what's better: to cut or not to cut. It's a hard decision that I must make, one that I might either be happy for or regret in the future.


  1. I get to have a new hairstyle.
  2. I won't have to call my mom every morning to braid my hair.
  3. I can start taking a bath in the morning again.
  4. It won't annoy me anymore.
  5. I won't have to tie it all the time, just sometimes.

  1. I won't be able to braid it anymore, Katniss-style.
  2. I'm going to miss my long hair.
  3. I'm going to miss playing with it, head-banging and stuff like that.
  4. *can't think of anything anymore*
So... It seems that there are a lot of pro's than con's. Ugh, I still don't know. WHY CAN'T DECIDING BE EASIER? asdfghjkl

If ever I'm going to have my new haircut, I shall post a picture in here. If I still have time to go online later. My parents and I are watching The Amazing Spider-Man today, hopefully. I'm so excited! yay~

Until my next entry. -Alice ^^

Friday, July 13, 2012

I think I'm starting to fall for someone more and more each day.

And I hate it.

You don't know who I'm talking about, do you? Well, it's probably better if you don't. I'm not going to type his name in here (for now); someone might probably see and begin spreading rumors about it and stuff, so yeah. Anyway, I honestly hate it. It's weird. I fell in love in the past, and it was not cool. At first I thought it was and that nothing bad will ever happen, but I was wrong, as always. Sure, there's nothing wrong with liking someone. But mine's different! I have never spoke to him, not even once. I don't even think he knows who I am! It sucks. I want to forget about him, really. But it's hard. Like, my mind keeps telling me to back out, but my heart keeps telling me to go on, fight, and never give up until he starts liking me back. But that's the thing; I don't ever think I'd be able to live up to his standards. He's popular and talented, and almost every girl in school likes him or thinks he's cute. Meanwhile, I'm the girl who stays in the sidelines and is only quiet when talking to friends. Who would be such a fool to like someone like me?

Le sigh. If only a miracle would happen, then I'd be happy.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

And now,


... i hate everything

Open Forum

My friends and I had an Open Forum today. The reason was because one of our friends, which was a new student on our school, was becoming kind of annoying, somehow. On the first day of school, when we befriended her, we thought she was really nice and cool and all that. But as the weeks passed by, we noticed something strange-and like I said-annoying about her. I don't think I should name those 'things' because it isn't really that important anymore. Because a while ago, just before our dismissal, we admitted to her that we were seeing something about her that we and other people didn't really like. Thankfully, she understood and didn't took it as if we were judging her. Instead, she reasoned out that it was alright for her to know things like those since it was for her own good, too. Besides, we don't like seeing our friends turn into someone bad. Our rule is that if we see something wrong or inappropriate about one of us, we'd tell them immediately-in a nice and sensitive way, of course.

Anyway, I'm really glad we're all okay now. I didn't really like the feeling of getting angry to someone, especially if it were to my friend. Hopefully she'll stay true to herself, not only tomorrow, but in the days to come.

And because I am partly somehow idk vain, I shall post pictures of me and (some of) my friends together!

No matter how crazy and weird they may be, they will always be my friends because I love them SO much!  :) 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Current song addiction: Set Fire To The Rain-Adele

I just got to download the song last week, and I immediately got LSS-ed with it. It's a really good song to listen to, in my opinion. The beats, the rhythm, the lyrics, the way Adele sang it, just, unf. It was so cool. I'm actually thinking about buying her album: Adele21. Her voice is just so captivating and unique. I mean, it's not all the time you get to hear someone sing like that. (Like what? I can't explain.) And because of her, I probably have another favorite singer, besides Taylor Swift.

And now, for people's enjoyment (what? lol), here's a song video of Set Fire To The Rain-Adele from Youtube.com.

Just a couple of stuff

Note: I am no good in taking pictures, especially when I'm using somebody else's camera. Please excuse the lousy photos because bleh

So my parents bought those stuff for me last week. Aren't they nice? I really wanted a new case for my phone so I asked them if they could buy me a new one. And they said yes. *happy dance* Mom bought those two shoes/sandals for the two of us to wear. We're just lucky we have the same size when it comes to fitting shoes. The first and second photo is the new case I was talking about. Bunny! Isn't it so kawaii? :"3 The third is a 3"-heeled sandals that mom bought in Target for only less than P400.00. It's really cool, although I would have to practice on wearing heels, because I'm not really that used to wearing one. The last one was bought since... I can't recall. I think that costed us 300 or 400+.

Welp, until my next entry. -Alice

Friday, June 15, 2012

And another one~

I made this 8 days ago when I was bored and decided to make another polyvore set. It's actually for my original character in a role-play on Tumblr, Anastasia Levesque. She's a daughter of Hades, as mentioned above. I pictured her wearing stuff just like those clothes. People agreed with me as well. Also, I really think it suits her body, since she's a bit slim and pale-ish. By the way, her FC (Face Claim) is Taissa Farmiga. :)

Welp, I just might post about how my school is going next time. Or tomorrow, maybe. If I have time.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's almost June 4, and that's when my classes will start.

Am I excited? No. Am I happy about starting classes again? Heck, no. Am I thrilled to see my classmates and my teachers again? Well, my classmates aren't really that nice and some of the teachers is my school is strict, so definitely not. All-in-all I am not happy about school. I am in no way delighted to being able to see everyone again and getting to socialize with them and other schist there is when it comes to school. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do but go to school because that's where I'll be able to learn to get a good future. I'll be able to experience new things and meet semi-new people. So as much as I'm afraid of going to school, I guess I just have to face the fact that I have to do it. I have to attend school and get good grades, or just enough for my parents to be proud of me.

If only there weren't any backstabbers and bitches in school anymore, then I'd definitely enjoy attending school. /sigh If only. -.-

Welp, until my next entry. -Alice

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I just came home from watching The Avengers with my family tonight.

Finally, after so many days of begging to them to let me watch it, I got to watch it tonight with my mom and dad. Mom thought she won't like the movie and will eventually fall asleep in the middle of it. Boy, was she so wrong. She stayed up all throughout the movie, watching and not even taking her eyes off the screen. It was that awesome. If someone were to ask me who my favorite character was, my heart would break little by little, because I wouldn't know what to answer. I just freaking love ALL of them! Hulk was awesome in smashing (lol). Black Widow was extremely amazing, considering she was a girl. The only girl. It just goes to show that girls can do just about anything a boy can. I love Hawkeye; he was so great at archery. Gods, I wish I could be like him! I hope there'd be an Avengers 2, where Loki would somehow change his ways and become good, and he'd for with the good and against the bad.

All-in-all, I pretty much enjoyed this night. It was super spectacular; I don't know how I'd even be able to sleep tonight. I guess that's just it. I won't be able to. I'll prolly just end up daydreaming about what I've just watched and never fall asleep until the next day.

Mom's telling me to turn off the laptop now, so I should really follow her orders.

Until my next entry. -Alice 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Because I was bored, I signed up on Polyvore.com and made this:

It doesn't look that good, but it doesn't look that bad either. I think the dress is really nice and all of the accessories I partnered it with. And yes, this is how my style looks like. At least it's how I want it to be, if only I had a lot of money to buy those pretty clothes and awesome jewelries and whatnot.