Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dream Come True

Once, a long time ago (probably a few months back), I dreamt of him. I dreamt that he and I were playing the piano together. Well, either that, or he was teaching me. Anyway, the room in which we were had a piano, and we were beside each other in front of that piano.

I honestly did not expect that dream of mine to come true. Then yesterday, we had a choir practice for this month's First Friday Mass. He played the piano, as always. I watched him play, and as usual, I was just as mesmerized as before. There was a time when he was making a bit of mistakes, and it made me smile. Why? Because I remember so much of myself when that happened. I always make mistakes when I play the piano. And when I do, I just laugh it off and start over. Nothing much happened, except for Antonette and Hazel eating Nips while we were singing. So, I shall skip to the good part. It was past 4:50pm. High school students were already going home, and we were still practicing. Of course we didn't mind; what we minded was that we weren't able to get our bags in our classrooms. Worried, some of them took off to get their bags. I stayed, because my friends volunteered to get my bag for me (I love them sao much okay). It was only him, me, the 4th year, 2nd year, and some 1st year. I scooted over to the end of the long chair, where Antonette was just sitting a while ago. I was looking at the altar, and since I have this sort of ability to see from the corner of my eye, I could see him looking at me. So I looked at him. He was making a face, as though trying to tell me, "Sige na, turuan mo na ako." He was making a pout face, along with his cute puppy dog eyes. I also made a face that says, "Hindi po ako gaano magaling e." What? I'm shy as heck. It wasn't a matter of time until he got to make me sit on that chair-his chair-in front of the piano. I tried to play the song, but I couldn't. I mean, of course I could; I just couldn't concentrate on it well. He was... distracting me. And also, I felt very nervous! I'm not used to playing the piano in front of people okay ._. Soon after, everyone else left. The only ones left were him, me, Ms. Diaz and Sr. Rosario. The practice was obviously over, so the two of us- he and me (is that even correct? lol)-played with the piano. Well, he was playing the piano. I was only suggesting songs and pieces for him to play. First, I told him to play River Flows in You. As always, it was beautiful. His hand pressed every key gracefully, not missing any key at all. Sure, yeah, he made mistakes. That's understandable. I also asked if he could play Kiss The Rain. He didn't know it, tho. I then went beside him and showed him the first notes with my right hand. After, I showed him the left. All of a sudden, my face went all super-thick and was like, "Kuya, pwede ko pong i-try?" He was so nice, saying, "Sure, sige lang!" I tried to play, and of course, it was an EPIC FAIL. *facepalm* First of all, there was no sustain. I can't play without sustain! All my years of playing the piano, I have never liked playing without using the sustain. I honestly do not know how he is able to play without it. My tutor and my mentor both told me that it is, what's the word? Essential? I don't remember. BASTA. ugh epic fail talaga nakakahiya ako kapal kapal kasi ng mukha he probably hates me nao T^T (not really but that's what i feel so yea)

... Okay. This post is getting pretty long. I'm just going to start summarizing from now on. XD

After a while, Antonette and Hazel got back. They caught us beside each other-him playing the piano and me, looking at him play. They told me they wanted to squeal so hard! But of course, they couldn't. Not when we're together. I don't want him to know that I like him. Not now. Maybe someday, but for now, I'd like to keep it as a secret. I just don't want to get my heart broken again.

OH YEAH. There was one time he was playing River Flows In You on the piano. I noticed some writing on his right hand (I've actually noticed it for a long time since the practice). I pointed to it, and he chuckled, saying, "Si ___ kasi!" I chuckled with him at the same time. I can't tell what was written there, but there was a heart. Like ______ ♥ ______. I don't know. And I guess I don't care. Because what happened yesterday made me so happy that nothing on that day could've ruined my day. But before the practice, I was actually pissed. I was still pissed when we went to the chapel. Later, I was beginning to feel normal, and soon enough, happy and giddy inside. And it's all because of him. ^____^ *le sigh*

I'm supposed to be doing my homework right now. I should really get back to doing it.

Now Playing (and has been playing several times now): All Too Well - Taylor Swift 

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