Saturday, August 18, 2012

A lot of things have happened since I last posted an entry here.

I don't know how to summarize them, mostly because I forgot them. Whoops. Anyway, I'll still try to fit some details before getting on to what I really want to talk about. This month of August, we, the Third Year students, are having our NCAE or "National Career Assessment Examination". Basically, our whole lives depend on this test since this will determine what course we are suggested to take and whether we're going to attend in a good college. I'm nervous about this exams a lot; I feel like I won't be able to pass. But then again, if I keep thinking negatively, nothing good will come out of it. I pray to God sometimes, just so He'll give me the knowledge, wisdom and concentration to do my best in these exams.

Another thing is that I got sort of good scores in our exams, both Summative and Quarterly. My lowest were Trigonometry, Statistics, Chemistry, and Microbiology. Obviously I have to do better next quarter if I want to excel. I will do my best. And I'm hoping I'm going to get better scores and grades next quarter.

Okay, I think that summarizes all of the things that happened. Well, I did skip on a few things, but I don't think they are important enough to be announced, anyway. And now, I shall start.

I chatted with him last night on Facebook. If you're asking who made the first move... it was me. It's called, "being brave". Honestly, I never thought I'd be able to do it. I was getting paranoid again thinking about stuff like, "OMG WHAT IF HE DOESN'T REPLY?" or "WHAT IF HE IGNORES MEH? ASDFGHJKL" ... Yeah. I'm weird. So after typing and sending in his chat box, I waited for a few moments (thankfully, it didn't reach minutes). He actually replied to me! Can you imagine? *le dreamy sigh* We talked for almost one hour, I think. We kept on talking about different stuff, jumping from one topic to another topic. It's weird, really. He treats me like a friend, even though we aren't that much close yet. Guess he's just really nice like that. I love him. What? Who said that?

Le preview of one part of our chat:

Hihi~ Welp, until the next entry. - Alice 

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