Sunday, November 4, 2012

The study date that never happened.

[This isn't some real schist that happened to me in real life, if anyone was wondering. First of all, I would never go on a date because I am too awesome for anyone to see through my epic awesomeness. Secondly... this is just a dream.]

I honestly don't remember much of my dream. All I can recall of it is that I was with him, and he was supposedly going to tutor me in Trigonometry (he's really good at math okay). He started giving me these examples for me to work on and study further. While I was busy calculating stuff, he showed me a paper with the letters "RP" in it. At first I didn't understand, then he said, "I want to check out your role-play. In Tumblr. If you don't mind." I told him, "Oh, alright." I typed in the url, "" and entered. Ever since then, we ended up hanging out together instead of studying, thus explaining the title above.

It isn't much of a long dream, but it certainly gives me the goosebumps whenever I remember that scene. :3 And this is the first dream that I've had for months! I guess I was pretty sleepy last night and was relaxed, too. I've just been really tired and stressed that I haven't been able to relax even for just a while.

Welp, until my next entry. -Alice

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