Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A werewolf and a unicorn

I dreamt I was in my mother's province. There was a fiesta going on, so me and my family went there to celebrate with our relatives. I was with 2 of my cousins the whole time I was there, I just can't recall who they were. I can't remember much of what happened, so I'll skip to the part I actually recall. It was night time. I was riding a motorcycle with my uncle, who was driving. My other relatives were behind us, riding in motorcycles as well. Though some were only walking. They wouldn't tell me where we were going, and all of us were pretty quiet along the way. Then something weird happened; we weren't in mom's province anymore. We were already in my city. It happened when we took a shortcut in the bushes; when we passed through it, I saw a glimpse of our city's church and the neighborhood, and that's when I knew we weren't in Xxxxxx anymore. I asked my uncle, "How the heck did that happen?" But he didn't respond. Then one of my girl cousins pointed out to me the moon. Full moon, I thought, smiling. It looked very beautiful... and big. Weird. But things were about to get weirder and scarier.

I suddenly knew why we were travelling: to look for a werewolf. "It's a full moon tonight, and I bet a lot of werewolves are roaming around right now," my uncle said with a voice like a cowboy's. We took a turn, and in the corner of my eyes, I saw it. A huge, massive, frighteningly large werewolf. "There it is!" I shouted. And I regretted that I did at once. It turned to our direction, with its big, bright red eyes looking straight at me. My uncle started driving faster than ever before, and I held onto him tight, hugging him, and almost squeezing his soul out of his body out of fright. I turned to my back and saw my relatives going into different directions. Some were running east, while others barged in peoples' houses. My uncle and I headed to the west and turned until we were able to see the shortcut. We were saved.

But my dream doesn't stop there. I was now back in my grandparents' home, safe from harm of that scary, hideous werewolf. And also, it was already day, so I was definitely safe from harm of any werewolf since they only come out at night or at a full moon. My guy cousin invited me on a sort of quest; I'm not really sure if it was a quest or he just needed my help on something. Oh well. So he and I went to this strange little house just three or four large houses away from our home. We entered the sort of bedroom which was cold and it had carpet flooring instead or tiles. We started sorting all this things-I can't recall what they were-that my cousin had brought with him, cluttering them up on the floor and then putting it back together in each container. Minutes had passed and I asked him, "We should get going." I looked outside the window and saw-a unicorn! They were just like in that game 'Robot Unicorn Attack' from I don't know if they were supposed to be cute or whatever, weird thing is, I was afraid of them! I suddenly felt my heart beating faster, my palms sweating hard, and goosebumps all over my skin. I held my cousin on his arm, telling him to look out the window. I think he was surprised himself.
"How many are there?" I asked.
"Just two. No, wait a minute. There's three of them!"
I swear I was about to pee in my pants. "How will we get out of here?"
He only shrugged.
I don't know how we got out in that house because my mom suddenly shouted at me to wake up and take a bath, so I did.

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