Thursday, April 5, 2012

So I'll start this blog off with a dream I had last April 4, 2012.

I was at school, doing my usual things like hanging out with friends, listening to discussions and whatnot. It looked as if a normal day for me. It wasn't until men in black suits entered our classroom that it became weird. I couldn't recognize them; they looked like those men from Matrix with their cool black suits and awesome glasses and stuff. One of them was holding a long sheet of paper, like a list of something. Then they started narrating about this so called 'game' where people were to be in a group and they'd have to defeat the other groups until one group was remaining. It was like a computer game, actually. But this one, was real. Like, we literally have to defeat these people, just because we're ordered to.

So they started calling names of the first group, the ladies' group. A lot of names were called, and I swore I thought I was about to be called... But I wasn't. I was about to breathe out of relief, then the man said, "Next, we'll be calling one girl who will be the enemy of the group stated before." Or at least, something like that. When they called out the name... it was me. I couldn't breathe properly. My mind started swirling improperly, and I kept thinking stuff like, "Oh gods, I'm going to die." or "What do I do, what do I do..."

It just wasn't fair, I thought. Why did I have to go fight alone? I hadn't even had training yet! I wanted to talk to the men about it, how I didn't have training for these kinds of things yet, but they were too busy talking to our adviser. I just sighed, and went back to my seat. Dismissal came, and everyone got out, except me. And that bad-ass looking girl who got picked for the ladies' group a while ago, and who was also my enemy at the game. Despite being afraid of her, I walked up to her and said, "What do I do? I don't know how to fight nor kill people." She replied to me with a smile, "Don't worry. Before they put you in the game, you're going to face some of their exercises first. It's where they'll know if you're ready to play or not." Then we talked some more, just to buy our time. And even though she looked kind of bossy and obnoxious and stuff, she was really nice. She had a beautiful smile and when she talked to me, it wasn't really boastful or anything. Because of her, I actually forgot about the games. I didn't check the time, and saw that it was already late. I told her I had to go, so I waved good-bye at her, and walked all the way to my home. Then I woke up.

I think about The Hunger Games and play computer games way too much.

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