Wednesday, April 25, 2012

More dreams~

Last April 23, 2012, I had a dream wherein the band called One Direction was in my house, hanging around our living room like they were guests or something. Niall, Zayn, and Louis were sitting down on our couches doing stuff (idk). I was entertaining Harry in our dining room. We were laughing and exchanging numbers and stuff like that. My cousin who really likes Harry Styles was just there, standing beside us, watching us have fun while she just stands there and does nothing. I tried to tell her to go and talk to him but she just kept shaking her head like a crazy person (did I ever tell you that she's shy?). A few minutes later, they told us that they should already go home. So I escorted them out of the house and yelled at them, "Next time, come back with Liam, okay?" I was about to close our gate when all of a sudden, a huge crowd of other celebrities came rushing in and went to our dining room where there was this massive pile of food that my mom probably had cooked. I tried to stop them but they were too many. I asked my mom what they were doing in here but she wouldn't listen and just kept entertaining the people like she was a waitress of her own restaurant or something. It was weird, okay? Do you know what's even weirder? Dreaming about One Direction. Yeah, sure, it might sound like heaven, but I don't know. It was just really weird for me because I don't even think about them or listen to their songs. I just see their pictures everywhere on my Tumblr Dashboard and hear their songs on the radio. Yep. Really weird okay.

Yesterday, April 24, 2012, I dreamt that I was in some sort of motel or hotel. It had a lot of weird rooms. Some were normal-looking, while others had stairs that leads to a second floor. When I found a room that had a second floor, I entered it and decided to look around. The first floor was looking okay, and it had this vintage look everywhere: in the walls, the chairs, the tables, etc. There was nothing weird going on, until I went upstairs. I don't know if it was really part of the room or if I was suddenly somewhere else. The second floor was a disaster, like it had been abandoned for nearly ages. There was a room to my right which had small tiles everywhere, meaning both the walls and the floor were tiled. There was one small window to where light shone through, a chair which looked very old and chipped, like it would break if one suddenly had sat down there. Also, the whole room smelled like death to me. It was an odd-looking, asylum-type of room, which freaked me out. Just looking at it made me imagine stuff like people getting electrocuted in the chair or being hung upside down. All of the possible torture one may know. I can't remember what happened next, but all I know was that I immediately raced downstairs and went home. That's when I woke up.

I didn't have a dream today so I can say that I'm safe from weird dreams and whatnot.

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