Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The last few days have been very... 'dreamful', so to say.

Every single night I dream of something, and I can't keep up because of how many they are. Usually I remember more than one of my dreams. It's sort of stressing to try and recall them every time I wake up. Also, I've been sort of depressed for the last couple of days, and I barely have time to come online here and type in my dreams, my rants, my personal life, anything, really. But now, I think I'm feeling fine. I'm not depressed anymore, which is a good thing. Still a bit dizzy, and I don't know if I'm using the correct grammar... whatever. I'm just going to type in anything I want, anyway.

Last April 21 or 22, 2012, I dreamt I was in my school (OMG). The scene started where I was just standing alone beside our food station when three very beautiful girls walked by me and said hello. The girls looked like they came from a TV show about high school, where they're so rich and popular and pretty, but at the same time they're really, really nice. Well, that's in my case, of course. They talked to me like they were really my friends, and to be honest, they were very nice to me. Usually, girls who look like that tend to be the ones who torture you in your high school life until you finally graduate. It was weird. What's also weird was that there were three girls sitting on one of the tables looking at us strangely and angrily, like they were spying on us. When one of the pretty girls told me, "We're going to be best friends forever!" and hugged me, the three girls sitting on the tables suddenly went like, "WHAAAT?!" They yelled it very loudly, and it was as if I was really in one of those TV shows, and that was their lines. The three pretty girls walked towards a table, and I followed them slowly behind. Then the three flirty-looking girls stood up, and I was afraid that they'd trip me and humiliate me like they do in the shows. Slowly, I walked opposite to their direction and out of the corner of my eye, somebody charged to them, messing up their hair and punching them and stuff. This caused as a distraction to them, and I quickly slid to the left, avoiding their little cat-fight or whatever. Sitting down, I turned around and saw him. It made me jump and blush, and I swore I thought I was looking like a cherry already. Good thing he didn't turn back to me, or then I'd be embarrassed. And as the cat-fight continues, the scene ended, following to another scene (oh yes, there's more).

I won't go into full detail, but let me just say that this dream really creeped me out. Well, not to the point that I peed myself, but yeah. Creepy. So the next scene, I was in a classroom. Not my real classroom, but my old classroom when I was still in 5th Grade. Skip, skip, skip... So my teacher was discussing about something, then suddenly, the skies went dark. Thunderclouds filled the once clear, blue sky, and now it was beginning to get darker. Lightning appeared everywhere, making a huge noise outside. Large raindrops fell. It was a thunderstorm that I've never seen or even experienced in my entire life. It was probably even worse than our past storms which destroyed half of my country. A few minutes passed and then the storm vanished. The sky was clear once again. We all clapped and rejoiced. Then it became darker again. Much, much darker. The rain was stronger than before. Thunder and lightning showed through the clouds, startling everyone and sending everyone to scream very loudly. It was very scary, and we only prayed that it would stop.

Okay, so why did I say that was creepy? I know it didn't seem creepy or scary when I wrote about it, that's partly because I'm not good at describing things. But the real reason why I was creeped out about it, is because last April 23, 2012, large rains fell on our province (not sure if it was the whole province or just my state) and it awfully looked like what I had dreamt of. The rain was very heavy it woke me up in my sleep. It continued for only a couple of minutes, just like in my dream. So, yeah. Thank God, right?

More dreams to come in another post. Yay~ :3

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