Thursday, April 26, 2012

My family, my relatives and I are going to Batangas this Saturday.

And ohmygods, I cannot wait to go there! My brother and I are really excited. My brother keeps on shouting about it, saying, "PUPUNTA NA TAYO SA BATANGAS SA SABADO!!!" As for me, I try to keep my excitement to myself. Because usually when I get too excited, something bad happens. And I don't ever want anything bad to happen on our fabulous outing. I think my mom is excited for it as well, since she bought us these new swimsuits to use this Saturday. Oh, yeah. Did I mention that our outing will be on a private beach? It's so crazy. I can't wait omg!!!1!!!!11!ONE!!1!! What's more awesome, is that we're going to stay there overnight. Meaning Saturday morning 'til Sunday afternoon. Okay, must be calm. Must. Be. Calm. *breathes*

I might post some pictures of it on Monday because I can. Until then, I bid thee, my precious blog, a goodnight~

Although if I suddenly have another dream tomorrow then I will go back in here. Just saying.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

More dreams~

Last April 23, 2012, I had a dream wherein the band called One Direction was in my house, hanging around our living room like they were guests or something. Niall, Zayn, and Louis were sitting down on our couches doing stuff (idk). I was entertaining Harry in our dining room. We were laughing and exchanging numbers and stuff like that. My cousin who really likes Harry Styles was just there, standing beside us, watching us have fun while she just stands there and does nothing. I tried to tell her to go and talk to him but she just kept shaking her head like a crazy person (did I ever tell you that she's shy?). A few minutes later, they told us that they should already go home. So I escorted them out of the house and yelled at them, "Next time, come back with Liam, okay?" I was about to close our gate when all of a sudden, a huge crowd of other celebrities came rushing in and went to our dining room where there was this massive pile of food that my mom probably had cooked. I tried to stop them but they were too many. I asked my mom what they were doing in here but she wouldn't listen and just kept entertaining the people like she was a waitress of her own restaurant or something. It was weird, okay? Do you know what's even weirder? Dreaming about One Direction. Yeah, sure, it might sound like heaven, but I don't know. It was just really weird for me because I don't even think about them or listen to their songs. I just see their pictures everywhere on my Tumblr Dashboard and hear their songs on the radio. Yep. Really weird okay.

Yesterday, April 24, 2012, I dreamt that I was in some sort of motel or hotel. It had a lot of weird rooms. Some were normal-looking, while others had stairs that leads to a second floor. When I found a room that had a second floor, I entered it and decided to look around. The first floor was looking okay, and it had this vintage look everywhere: in the walls, the chairs, the tables, etc. There was nothing weird going on, until I went upstairs. I don't know if it was really part of the room or if I was suddenly somewhere else. The second floor was a disaster, like it had been abandoned for nearly ages. There was a room to my right which had small tiles everywhere, meaning both the walls and the floor were tiled. There was one small window to where light shone through, a chair which looked very old and chipped, like it would break if one suddenly had sat down there. Also, the whole room smelled like death to me. It was an odd-looking, asylum-type of room, which freaked me out. Just looking at it made me imagine stuff like people getting electrocuted in the chair or being hung upside down. All of the possible torture one may know. I can't remember what happened next, but all I know was that I immediately raced downstairs and went home. That's when I woke up.

I didn't have a dream today so I can say that I'm safe from weird dreams and whatnot.

The last few days have been very... 'dreamful', so to say.

Every single night I dream of something, and I can't keep up because of how many they are. Usually I remember more than one of my dreams. It's sort of stressing to try and recall them every time I wake up. Also, I've been sort of depressed for the last couple of days, and I barely have time to come online here and type in my dreams, my rants, my personal life, anything, really. But now, I think I'm feeling fine. I'm not depressed anymore, which is a good thing. Still a bit dizzy, and I don't know if I'm using the correct grammar... whatever. I'm just going to type in anything I want, anyway.

Last April 21 or 22, 2012, I dreamt I was in my school (OMG). The scene started where I was just standing alone beside our food station when three very beautiful girls walked by me and said hello. The girls looked like they came from a TV show about high school, where they're so rich and popular and pretty, but at the same time they're really, really nice. Well, that's in my case, of course. They talked to me like they were really my friends, and to be honest, they were very nice to me. Usually, girls who look like that tend to be the ones who torture you in your high school life until you finally graduate. It was weird. What's also weird was that there were three girls sitting on one of the tables looking at us strangely and angrily, like they were spying on us. When one of the pretty girls told me, "We're going to be best friends forever!" and hugged me, the three girls sitting on the tables suddenly went like, "WHAAAT?!" They yelled it very loudly, and it was as if I was really in one of those TV shows, and that was their lines. The three pretty girls walked towards a table, and I followed them slowly behind. Then the three flirty-looking girls stood up, and I was afraid that they'd trip me and humiliate me like they do in the shows. Slowly, I walked opposite to their direction and out of the corner of my eye, somebody charged to them, messing up their hair and punching them and stuff. This caused as a distraction to them, and I quickly slid to the left, avoiding their little cat-fight or whatever. Sitting down, I turned around and saw him. It made me jump and blush, and I swore I thought I was looking like a cherry already. Good thing he didn't turn back to me, or then I'd be embarrassed. And as the cat-fight continues, the scene ended, following to another scene (oh yes, there's more).

I won't go into full detail, but let me just say that this dream really creeped me out. Well, not to the point that I peed myself, but yeah. Creepy. So the next scene, I was in a classroom. Not my real classroom, but my old classroom when I was still in 5th Grade. Skip, skip, skip... So my teacher was discussing about something, then suddenly, the skies went dark. Thunderclouds filled the once clear, blue sky, and now it was beginning to get darker. Lightning appeared everywhere, making a huge noise outside. Large raindrops fell. It was a thunderstorm that I've never seen or even experienced in my entire life. It was probably even worse than our past storms which destroyed half of my country. A few minutes passed and then the storm vanished. The sky was clear once again. We all clapped and rejoiced. Then it became darker again. Much, much darker. The rain was stronger than before. Thunder and lightning showed through the clouds, startling everyone and sending everyone to scream very loudly. It was very scary, and we only prayed that it would stop.

Okay, so why did I say that was creepy? I know it didn't seem creepy or scary when I wrote about it, that's partly because I'm not good at describing things. But the real reason why I was creeped out about it, is because last April 23, 2012, large rains fell on our province (not sure if it was the whole province or just my state) and it awfully looked like what I had dreamt of. The rain was very heavy it woke me up in my sleep. It continued for only a couple of minutes, just like in my dream. So, yeah. Thank God, right?

More dreams to come in another post. Yay~ :3

Friday, April 20, 2012

My mom went to SM Southmall yesterday to buy me a guitar.

All day long I was crossing my fingers, hoping that mom would come home with the brand new guitar in our car's trunk. And every time I think of that, I get all jumpy and happy and stuff; I was just so excited to finally have a  guitar that's actually mine, and I don't have to borrow anyone's anymore just to practice playing it. But since mom was out and no one was in the house except for me and my brother, we had the house all to ourselves. During the afternoon, we decided to turn on the air-condition (with mom's permission, of course) and before I knew it, I was already sound asleep. And yes, I had a dream. A weird one yet again. But that'll be explained on another post [if I still have time]. When I woke up, it was already 6:30pm. My brother was beside me, playing games on my computer and stuff like that. Not too long after I woke up, mom came back home. And guess what she had inside our trunk?

Oh, yeah. A brand new guitar, just for me. I was so ecstatic when I saw that in our trunk. I immediately brought it down and opened it in our living room 'cause I just couldn't wait anymore. It was lovely, the sound it made was beautiful in the ears... And I kept thinking that if I continue practicing with this, I would be good at playing the guitar in less than a month, hopefully. Another thing my parents love about this guitar is that it had a pick-up and a tuner! Awesome, right?

But that isn't only the thing mom bought for me. There were also these great foods-breads, to be exact (lol Peeta be jelly), and there was a sort of blouse for me as well. I think it was a hanging blouse, not sure. But I tried it on, and it looked pretty good on me, if I say so myself.

So last night was pretty much a great day for me. I hope the upcoming days will be as awesome as yesterday.

Alice~ :3

Monday, April 16, 2012

Last night, my family and I went out to look for and buy a new guitar.

Unfortunately, there weren't any guitars that me nor my parents liked. Well, I did find some that sort of suited my needs. My needs. My mom insisted we should buy one that had a pick-up, and all the other semi-cheap guitars we saw didn't have it, so she didn't like any of them. She didn't understand; there wasn't a guitar that had a pick-up and at the same time it would be cheap. Maybe there is, but they're probably only fake or had a bad sound. So in the end, we didn't get to buy anything, which sucks. And I was already so eager to get a guitar and practice playing it. :(

Good thing about our day was we got to hang out together as a family. For our dinner, we ate at California Pizza Kitchen or  CPK, as dad calls it. We ordered their thin-crusted Pepperoni pizza with a Marinara Linguini pasta. My little brother had a Thai Chicken Satay. I swear to everything good and evil the pizza tastes so amazing. Every bite I took only got me wanting more. And their pasta was the bomb. I've never tasted anything like it. Their foods were all very awesome, I tell you. And my family and I planned that the next time we go back in here, we're going to try something new. Oh, we also saw Eula Valdez. My mom was star-struck by her. She even jokingly said that she'd pretend to take a picture of me just to take Eula's picture.

After we ate our dinner, we bought some breads at Bread Talk, bought Blizzards at DQ-mom ordered Double Dutch while I ordered Mango with Oreo-then we went home.

I still can't believe I still don't have a guitar up to now. How am I going to learn playing it if I don't have it? T^T sad me is sad

Thursday, April 12, 2012

So this is my best friend, Antonette. For three years, this girl has been with me through thick and thin, comforting me in times of pain, cheering me up when I'm all glum inside, making me smile with her silly jokes, and just always being there for me when I'm in need of a friend. All these times she was always there for us, for her friends. Whenever anyone would have any problems she would be right there just waiting for them to come to her and rant about it; and no matter how strange or weird it may be, she would always listen and give her special advice if they needed it. She was a one-of-a-kind friend, I tell you. Ask anyone about that and they'll surely agree. 

When we learned that she was officially moving to another school, we were distraught-broken, even. The sadder thing is that the school where she'll be moving in is very far from where her friends live: in Manila. How are we going to visit her when she's far, far away from us? I know her moving school isn't supposed to be that much of a big deal; I mean, there are plenty of ways to stay in contact now, specially with all those social networks that lets us chat with basically anybody as long as they were your friends. But that's not mainly the reason why I'm sad about her leaving; we'll never get to see each other personally daily anymore. I'll never get to see her face or hear that amusing laugh of hers whenever she cracks up a joke. I was so used to hanging out with her all the time that I can't seem to force myself to believing that she'll be leaving us. I'll definitely miss a lot of things about her, especially when she already has this special place in my heart as one of my best-est friends.

I love you so much, Anette. Don't ever forget me nor our friends, a'ryt? :) :* :3 WE LOVE YOU TO PIECES (not literally but yeah)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A werewolf and a unicorn

I dreamt I was in my mother's province. There was a fiesta going on, so me and my family went there to celebrate with our relatives. I was with 2 of my cousins the whole time I was there, I just can't recall who they were. I can't remember much of what happened, so I'll skip to the part I actually recall. It was night time. I was riding a motorcycle with my uncle, who was driving. My other relatives were behind us, riding in motorcycles as well. Though some were only walking. They wouldn't tell me where we were going, and all of us were pretty quiet along the way. Then something weird happened; we weren't in mom's province anymore. We were already in my city. It happened when we took a shortcut in the bushes; when we passed through it, I saw a glimpse of our city's church and the neighborhood, and that's when I knew we weren't in Xxxxxx anymore. I asked my uncle, "How the heck did that happen?" But he didn't respond. Then one of my girl cousins pointed out to me the moon. Full moon, I thought, smiling. It looked very beautiful... and big. Weird. But things were about to get weirder and scarier.

I suddenly knew why we were travelling: to look for a werewolf. "It's a full moon tonight, and I bet a lot of werewolves are roaming around right now," my uncle said with a voice like a cowboy's. We took a turn, and in the corner of my eyes, I saw it. A huge, massive, frighteningly large werewolf. "There it is!" I shouted. And I regretted that I did at once. It turned to our direction, with its big, bright red eyes looking straight at me. My uncle started driving faster than ever before, and I held onto him tight, hugging him, and almost squeezing his soul out of his body out of fright. I turned to my back and saw my relatives going into different directions. Some were running east, while others barged in peoples' houses. My uncle and I headed to the west and turned until we were able to see the shortcut. We were saved.

But my dream doesn't stop there. I was now back in my grandparents' home, safe from harm of that scary, hideous werewolf. And also, it was already day, so I was definitely safe from harm of any werewolf since they only come out at night or at a full moon. My guy cousin invited me on a sort of quest; I'm not really sure if it was a quest or he just needed my help on something. Oh well. So he and I went to this strange little house just three or four large houses away from our home. We entered the sort of bedroom which was cold and it had carpet flooring instead or tiles. We started sorting all this things-I can't recall what they were-that my cousin had brought with him, cluttering them up on the floor and then putting it back together in each container. Minutes had passed and I asked him, "We should get going." I looked outside the window and saw-a unicorn! They were just like in that game 'Robot Unicorn Attack' from I don't know if they were supposed to be cute or whatever, weird thing is, I was afraid of them! I suddenly felt my heart beating faster, my palms sweating hard, and goosebumps all over my skin. I held my cousin on his arm, telling him to look out the window. I think he was surprised himself.
"How many are there?" I asked.
"Just two. No, wait a minute. There's three of them!"
I swear I was about to pee in my pants. "How will we get out of here?"
He only shrugged.
I don't know how we got out in that house because my mom suddenly shouted at me to wake up and take a bath, so I did.

Monday, April 9, 2012

I made a playlist in Alice's POV.

And that's because I love her sooooo much.
  • Forever and Always - Taylor Swift
  • Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri
  • Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy
  • Breathe - Taylor Swift
  • Because of You - Kelly Clarkson
  • The One That Got Away - Katy Perry
  • Someone Like You - Adele
  • Don't Forget - Demi Lovato
  • The Story of Us - Taylor Swift
  • Goodbye - Ke$sha
Forever crying because ALPHIN </3 (only people that knows who Alice is will get this)
*gross sobbing*

This is really weird.

I have a best friend named Bea. I met her online, so I haven't seen yet in real life yet, which sucks. But even though we haven't personally met yet, I still consider her as one of my best friends who help me out in times of need, comfort me when I'm in pain, virtually hug me when I'm depressed, and will do anything just to cheer me up and make me into that happy-go-lucky sort of person that I am.

I've been dreaming about her for a long time now. And it's always about the same thing: us finally meeting each other. Whether it's in the mall or a school, it's always the same. Last night, I dreamt about her yet again. This is the third time I had a dream wherein she was there. I was in the mall with my mom, looking and window-shopping--the usual--and when we get to a certain clothing store, I saw this girl who looks exactly like Bea. She was with her dad, and they were just looking at the clothes, not really buying anything. I waited for the right time to call her, and when we were already close, I poked her in the arm. She finally saw me, and that's when we started talking. We talked about the usual things we talk about in Facebook. My best friends in school were there too, so I introduced Bea to them. There was a scene where Bea and I were just sitting on one of the benches outside of the mall, talking and laughing and stuff. Then out of the blue, I saw Anna--my other best friend I met online--pointing to our direction. I was about to call her when her companion dragged her away. I sat back down, sort of sad, then continued chatting with Bea.

That's when I woke up and decided to post it in here.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

So I'll start this blog off with a dream I had last April 4, 2012.

I was at school, doing my usual things like hanging out with friends, listening to discussions and whatnot. It looked as if a normal day for me. It wasn't until men in black suits entered our classroom that it became weird. I couldn't recognize them; they looked like those men from Matrix with their cool black suits and awesome glasses and stuff. One of them was holding a long sheet of paper, like a list of something. Then they started narrating about this so called 'game' where people were to be in a group and they'd have to defeat the other groups until one group was remaining. It was like a computer game, actually. But this one, was real. Like, we literally have to defeat these people, just because we're ordered to.

So they started calling names of the first group, the ladies' group. A lot of names were called, and I swore I thought I was about to be called... But I wasn't. I was about to breathe out of relief, then the man said, "Next, we'll be calling one girl who will be the enemy of the group stated before." Or at least, something like that. When they called out the name... it was me. I couldn't breathe properly. My mind started swirling improperly, and I kept thinking stuff like, "Oh gods, I'm going to die." or "What do I do, what do I do..."

It just wasn't fair, I thought. Why did I have to go fight alone? I hadn't even had training yet! I wanted to talk to the men about it, how I didn't have training for these kinds of things yet, but they were too busy talking to our adviser. I just sighed, and went back to my seat. Dismissal came, and everyone got out, except me. And that bad-ass looking girl who got picked for the ladies' group a while ago, and who was also my enemy at the game. Despite being afraid of her, I walked up to her and said, "What do I do? I don't know how to fight nor kill people." She replied to me with a smile, "Don't worry. Before they put you in the game, you're going to face some of their exercises first. It's where they'll know if you're ready to play or not." Then we talked some more, just to buy our time. And even though she looked kind of bossy and obnoxious and stuff, she was really nice. She had a beautiful smile and when she talked to me, it wasn't really boastful or anything. Because of her, I actually forgot about the games. I didn't check the time, and saw that it was already late. I told her I had to go, so I waved good-bye at her, and walked all the way to my home. Then I woke up.

I think about The Hunger Games and play computer games way too much.