Monday, October 29, 2012

Friendship Bracelets

I have always been fond of friendship bracelets. I've been meaning to get some for me and my friends, but never found the right one and always seemed to have no money when I do.

Last week, probably on a Friday or Saturday night, I had stumbled upon a Youtube video teaching you how to make your own Friendship bracelets. I loved the style; it didn't seem so easy to make (it is to some people) but with determination and hard work, I think I'll be able to do it. I'm going to give 5 of my closest friends one friendship bracelet, each made using their favorite colors. I'm really excited on doing this project of mine this week. I have decided to give it to them on Christmas; yes, I know it's a bit too early. Christmas is a month and a half away, why hurry? Well, this week is our semester break (for the first time in years) and since I know I won't be doing much, i thought, why not do something productive and make these? And besides, if I don't start now, I might not be able to have time to make anymore; 2nd quarter's over, that means another quarter is going to start soon. How soon? Next week, I guess. That also means new projects, performance tasks, etc. Pretty soon I'll be loaded with school work and I won't have time to do this project anymore!

So, yeah. Now you know.

I hope my friends are going to like what I'm going to get them for Christmas. It may not be much, but it has that sentimental value which I know they're going to love. They might not even expect something such as this to be given to them by me. XD (Or maybe they will. I don't really know.)

It's 1 in the morning, and I am still wide awake.

I don't know anymore.

I guess I'm just not tired. I'm always like this doing the weekends, or just whenever we have no classes the next day. I sleep late all the time, and in turn, I wake up late, too. I know it's a bad habit and can be very unhealthy. I would also like to cure me off this 'habit' of mine. I have tried drinking hot milk before I sleep. I continued doing so for a few months but it wasn't long until I grew tired and stopped.

I have run out of things to say.

I still can't sleep.

Oh well. Kim Possible's on in Disney Channel and I really want to watch it. I miss this show so much.

Until my next entry.~

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I have officially claimed Dakota Goyo as my (and his lol) adopted son.

Last Sunday, I watched Real Steel on Star Movies. It was a really good movie, one I would watch him my dad and hopefully, my future boyfriend (if I ever meet him) during our movie dates. It sucks that I didn't get to watch it with my dad, though. In truth, I watched that movie secretly; I wasn't actually allowed to watch since I had classes the next day. Anyway, Dakota as Max was so cute and awesome and ugggggggggh~ No, I don't have a crush on him. I just think he's so adorable and everything and I just want to hug him and pinch his cheeks asdfghjkl.

Welp I'm watching it right now and yaaaaaaay my adopted son is sao cute with his puppy dog eyes and everything ugh I love you son

Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 18, 2012

Probably one of the best days of my life. What I felt when I first met him last August 3, I felt it yet again during this day. Only now... it's much better.

It was past 3pm. The school choir, Koro Dominicano, had a practice in a room near the school library. There wasn't much people there yet; only some 2nd year, 3rd year (my friends and I), 1st year boys, and him. Sr. Rosario played a song in the laptop, but apparently, it wasn't loud enough. She asked him if there was someone he knew who had a speaker. Antonette said, "Our classmate has a speaker!" He asked her, "O, samahan mo ako." Knowing Antonette, she already had a plan in store. She replied to him, "Eh tinatamad na ako. Si Alaina na lang!" Then he looked at me and was like, "Sige na, samahan mo ako." As if I had any choice, right? So in the end, I ended up getting the speaker from my classmate with him. ALONE. As if it had to be more awkward than that, right? Well, yes. It did.

There was one time when we met Ms. Diaz in the corridor. She asked us, "Oh, where are you going?" He replied, "Miss, kukunin lang yung speaker sa classmate ni..." Then he looked at me. He doesn't know my name completely yet.

Me: Alaina po. *smiles*
Him: *takes my ID card and looks at it* Al... Alaina? *haves trouble reading it a bit*
Me: *laughs* Lala na lang po.
Him: Lala? Lalalala-lalalalala~ *grins*

And from then on, he started saying things like, "Aina? Ana? Ina? Analyn? Lalyn? Lynla?" It was hilarious! And all throughout I kept arguing with him jokingly, saying, "Lala po!" And then there was this convo that was such a major turn-on that I started to like him more than ever.

Me: Kailan po ba yung Living Rosary?
Him: Hmm... *takes a look at the paper with the date* Ayun! October 27... Ay, lagot! Hindi! Para kay Lord 'to. Ayus lang.

God is his first priority all the time. He would do anything for Him. He would sacrifice his time and give his full effort just to serve and worship the Lord. A MAJOR TURN-ON. Ever since then, I liked him more. I mean, I liked him a lot before that, but now... I would like to say I love him but I can't because... Well, it's a long story.

When I told my friends everything, they squealed. Antonette kept saying, "I am so proud I wanna cry!" Sigh. I love my friends a lot. They might be crazy, but they're just as crazy as I am. So I'm okay with that. ^^ :)

Until my next entry. -Alice <3

That awkward moment when you turn to look at him...

... And realize that he's already looking at you as well.

That was very awkward. It happened just yesterday. We finished our flag retreat and was allowed to go home. My friends and I were standing somewhere on the cemented area, laughing. What we were laughing about, I don't recall. All I remember is while laughing and smiling, I turned to look at his direction. When I looked at him, he was already looking at me. It was very awkward, indeed. I mean, to have someone you like look at you and catch him while he does? Yes, maybe he was just looking at someone else. But I swear to everything good and evil he was facing to me! I don't want to believe, but I saw it with my own two eyes. I don't know why, but I felt embarrassed. Humiliated, even. I am a very weird person with weird feelings.

I told that to my friends. Roanne, who ships the two of us, told us that while they were having a meeting in CAT or something, he was really quiet and obviously deep in thought. Whatever he was thinking of is a mystery, for now. She told me that it happened after our flag retreat, when their commander or whatever you call that highest position in CAT called them for a meeting (I don't know! I don't know anything about that!). She was probably thinking something when she told me that, but I don't want to expect anything. I just live, love, and laugh. The usual.

And I might have some more to talk about. But I shall post it on another entry because yes

Friday, October 12, 2012

Someone hugged me today.

It was a boy.

It was an accident.

It was awkward. And gross. Not for me, but for him as well.

It all started when our boy classmates were playing hide-and-seek while in blindfold in the classroom. They were having fun, and of course, us girls had fun watching them look crazy. After a while, Hazel asked me to accompany her to the canteen for whatever reason. I stood up and was about to follow her, until the boy with the blindfold suddenly tackled me and hugged me from behind. It was CRAAAAAZY! He hugged me so tight, I was almost unable to breathe. I sat down flatly on the ground, trying to get his hands of my waist. I cried so hard when that happened; my friends tried to calm me down. I honestly don't like anyone hugging me, much less a BOY. Hazel told me that she almost cried when that happened to me. She knows how I don't like being hugged, and being held by a boy, either in my hands or anywhere else. (A simple poke wouldn't hurt me, though.) I guess she felt pretty sympathetic for me; I mean, who wouldn't, right? So yeah, the guy's cute and has a sexy appeal or whatever, but come on! He's not even my type! (I like someone else!) And I don't like people hugging me so tightly! Today was sao embarrassing ugghhhhhhhhhh *facepalm*

I just hope people would forget that ever happened.
